Pet Vet – Roanoke
In-House Pharmacy
When considering options for purchasing medication, pet owners have many choices, including online pharmacies and mail-order catalogs.
When purchasing food and medication, many manufacturers guarantee their products and by ordering from our in-house pharmacy or our online pharmacy you can be assured that if used as directed, you may rely on those guarantees.
Most food and medications are also available on our online pharmacy, usually priced below other online competitors and available for free delivery right to your door!

At Pet Vet Roanoke, we provide a fully stocked in-house pharmacy that includes commonly used medicines for treating illnesses, as well as preventative care for heart worm, intestinal parasites, fleas and ticks. We also carry therapeutic shampoos, prescription diets, and health supplements.
Prescription diets are available here. We primarily carry Purina and Hills prescription diets. Contact a staff member if we do not carry the diet your pet has been on. We can usually stock these diets for you per request.
Call ahead and pick up your medications or prescription diets in our convenient drive-thru.
We ask for 24 hours timeframe to fill a prescription after a request is submitted before attempting to pick up a prescription.
These items are available to be picked up at these hours:
Monday through Friday: 8:00AM - 5:30PM
Saturdays (1st – 4th): 8:00AM - 12:30PM